
Marriage is a very important adventure in life. However, this adventure is not a solo adventure, but an adventure together. During this journey of adventure, the couple encounters not only times of joy and happiness, but also times of frustration and conflict. We provide seminar classes on various topics to help married couples make the adventure of marriage meaningful.

Importance of Commitment

Marriage doesn’t just mean two people living together. It is not only the commitment of two independent people to each other, but also te commitment to the community of married couple. Couples can enjoy the blessings of marriage when they work together and grow together based on this commitment

Love Languages

Love only shows its power when it is communicated to the other person. Transmitting love takes place through the medium of language, and there are many different types of language. In this course, couples will learn not only the different types of languages of love, but also the primary love language of each person.

Communication and Conflict Resolution

A couple’s relationship is established through communication. A lack of clarity in communication can lead to misunderstandings, which in turn expand negative thoughts and sometimes can break their relationship. Despite that married couple love each other, they still have independent personalities and different experiences until they get married. Because of those differences, they may think differently and have very different ways of life. As a result, it is natural for them to experience conflicts even though they love each other. Therefore, learning the skills of communication and conflict resolution will help them keep the relationship smooth and positive.

Application for Married Couple Counseling

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
(1 JOHN 4:11)