Family Alive exists to help create a healthy and mature family culture by providing education and counseling based on biblical principles to various types of families.
1.Family Alive introduces practical principles based on the Bible to ordinary families by expanding the scope of ministry targeting Christian families.
2.Family Alive helps families experiencing various types of problems to change their family lives through an education-oriented approach.
3.Family Alive supports single-parent families to overcome personal crises and be reborn as healthy families.
4.Family Alive acts as a vehicle for each other to help each other through parent support groups.
Key Values
1. The name of the Society is FAMILY ALIVE SOCIETY.
2. The purposes of the Society are:
a. To promote health by providing educational programs and counselling services that address and prevent issues related to marriage and family relationships to individuals, families, and couples based on the biblical perspective.
b. To provide financial assistance for families in need in Canada and overseas.
c. To do all such things as are incidental or ancillary to attain the above purposes.
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
(1 JOHN 4:11)