TitleMeaning of Inheritance2022-08-28 05:14
Name Level 10

In general, an inheritance refers to the material property that parents leave to their children when they die. However, if we only pass on a material inheritance to our children and do not develop the strength to keep it, leaving inheritance is meaningless. That is why there is a Jewish proverb that says, " “If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” This means that we should teach our children how to live on their own and the wisdom to manage their wealth rather than just passing down material things to our children. Therefore, the real inheritance is not visible(tangible) inheritance, but invisible(intangible) one such as the ability to manage wealth or an attitude to live an autonomous life without depending on others.

Then, are all invisible inheritances desirable? Just as there are cases that debt is passed on to children instead of material inheritance, so also there are undesirable inheritances as well as desirable inheritances among intangible inheritances. Examples of desirable inheritance include a spirit of perseverance in times of difficulty, an attitude of diligence and sincerity, a spirit of caring and helping others in need, an attitude of frugal living, and an attitude of respect for others. On the other hand, examples of undesirable intangible inheritance include laziness, dishonesty, immorality, dishonesty, passive attitude, and extravagant and reckless lifestyle. Just as a desirable inheritance affects a child's life, an undesirable one also affects a child's life. Considering this, inheritance can be defined as the influence of parents on their children's life rather than material things passed on to their children.

Material inheritance is assessed by the amount of the wealth inherited, but the value of invisible inheritance is determined by its quality. Since children who received an undesirable inheritance are prone to fail to keep the material inheritance, it can be said that the invisible inheritance is more important than the visible material inheritance. But the real reason that we need to pass on desirable inheritance is not because they can preserve material inheritance, but because the desirable inheritance encourages children to live a rewarding and worthwhile life.

In a way, it can be said that parents are doing the act of passing on inheritances to their children from the moment they are born into the world. The words parents say to their children, the facial expressions they show them, and the way they look at life are inheritances that continue to influence their children throughout their life. In other words, the entire life of parents becomes an inheritance to their children and their life is an act of passing on inheritances to their children. Parents can pass on inheritances of anger and hurt, or inheritances of love and healthy self-esteem. Material inheritance differs in its amount, but intangible inheritance differs in its quality, and it does not go away even if time goes on. Just as a beautiful and wonderful inheritance continues to affect children, an ugly and unattractive inheritance also continues to affect them.

The purpose of passing inheritance to children might be that children can live a happy and abundant life. Then, where does happiness come from? True happiness is not based on the temporary satisfaction that comes from getting what we want, but on the healthy self-esteem formed through experiences of being loved and respected, and it is based on the joy that comes from living a rewarding and worthwhile life.

Children feel happy when their parents play with them or watch them to play with toys, and that happiness becomes an inheritance that will last a lifetime. On the other hand, if parents do not play with their children even though they buy a lot of toys for their children, then children can feel pain, and the pain can become a lifelong inheritance. An annoyed voice or an angry look can be an inheritance, while a warm and soft voice can also be an inheritance. Helping people in need at every opportunity can be an inheritance or laughing at and mistreating the poor can be an inheritance. The image that mom and dad respect and respect each other can be an inheritance, while the image that mom and dad criticize and resent each other can be another kind of inheritance. Anger or despair over the difficulties of life can be an inheritance, while a way of living without losing hope despite difficulties can also be an inheritance. The inheritance that really matters is not something you can grab with your hands, but something that will remain in your children's memory and be etched in their hearts.

(Jin Gyung Park)

Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
(1 JOHN 4:11)